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Theatre Production and Techniques - Set Design

Accredited for: Acreditado preliminarmente year(s)

Consult reports www.a3es.pt

No. dispatch/concierge: Despacho nº12776/2011
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Theatre History - XIX Cent. to XXI Cent. Summer Semester
Scenographie Workshop I Summer Semester
Portuguese Theatre Repertoire Summer Semester
Playhouses Development and History Summer Semester
Design Project I Summer Semester
Option I Summer Semester
Drawing II Summer Semester
Research Methologies Summer Semester
Security and Health Care Summer Semester
Production I Summer Semester
Workshops II Summer Semester
Theatre Workshop Winter Semester
Drawing I Winter Semester
Props I Winter Semester
Introduction to Costume Winter Semester
Workshops I Winter Semester
Introduction to Set design Winter Semester
Information and Communication Technologies Winter Semester
Introduction to Theatre Studies Winter Semester
Contemporary Art and Culture Winter Semester
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Color Theory and Practice Summer Semester
Ocidental Theatre Repertoire I Summer Semester
Option III Summer Semester
Design Project II Summer Semester
Set Design History II Summer Semester
Scenography Workshop III Summer Semester
Theatre History - from Medieval to Renaicense Theatre Summer Semester
Production III Summer Semester
Workshops IV Summer Semester
Computer Assisted Design Summer Semester
Option II Winter Semester
Stage Technology Winter Semester
Drawing III Winter Semester
Set Design I Winter Semester
Set Design History I Winter Semester
Production II Winter Semester
Workshops III Winter Semester
Theatre History - The Beginings from Rite to the Classical Age Winter Semester
Dramaturgy and Play Analysis Winter Semester
Scenographie Workshop II Winter Semester
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Ocidental Theatre Repertoire II Summer Semester
Option V Summer Semester
Design Project III Summer Semester
Film and TV Summer Semester
Project Design Summer Semester
Scenography Workshop V Summer Semester
Workshops VI Summer Semester
Aesthetics and Theory of the Theatre Summer Semester
Production V Summer Semester
Art History Winter Semester
Option IV Winter Semester
Theatre History - XVII Cent. to XVIII Cent. Winter Semester
Set Design II Winter Semester
Production IV Winter Semester
Photography Winter Semester
Props II Winter Semester
Scenography Workshop IV Winter Semester
Workshops V Winter Semester

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